What We Do

Our Projects

Our club participates in a variety of projects throughout the year that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.  Additionally, we have speakers at our weekly meetings to explore topics of interest to the membership. We engage in a number of social activities to share experiences, talents and our collective interests. All represent great opportunities for service, friendships and personal growth.

What We are Working on Now

Turnaround Scholarship 
We award scholarships to graduating high school seniors who have successfully faced adversity, to recognize their accomplishments, and to motivate them to pursue higher education. 

Stuff the Bus
We help those families who might have had a difficult time purchasing basic supplies they need to start school including pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, binders and paper

Meals on wheels
Once a week one of our members delivers Meals on Wheels to home-bound seniors in the community in our partnership with Live Elder Care in Fremont.


Kiwanis Club of Fremont along with  the L.O.V organization   provides assistance to  a family  who would otherwise not have a holiday celebration. 
